Cleaning House, Aug 7, 2022
Isaiah 1.1, 10-20, Pentecost 9C Theme: Starting Over There is a misconception about cleaning house. Those who are not directly involved...
From the Desk of...
Pastor Lem Whitmer
Isaiah 1.1, 10-20, Pentecost 9C Theme: Starting Over There is a misconception about cleaning house. Those who are not directly involved...
Luke 12.13-21, Pentecost 8C Theme: Greed This Sunday’s scripture text starts out with a person coming to Jesus complaining about his...
Luke 11:1-13, Pentecost 7C Theme: Prayer In the passage in the gospels, we find a real gem. I mean Luke 11: 1-13 is almost magic. The...
Luke 10:38- 42, Pentecost 6C Theme: Learning Seems like there is always something which must be done. If you are a student there is...
Luke 10.25-37, Pentecost 5C Theme: Compassion This Sunday, we are looking at a well-known parable. I recall the text being discussed in...
Luke 10.1-11, 16-20, Pentecost 4C Theme: Good News On Sunday, July 20th, 1969, at 8:17 in the evening, a couple of astronauts landed a...
Isaiah 65.1-9, Pentecost 3C Theme: Determination When I chose the theme for my sermon this morning, I did not realize it would follow...
Luke 7.36 – 8.3, Pentecost 2C, Theme: Renewal Have you ever admitted to committing a sin? Do you know what a sin is? So, here is a...
Proverbs 8.12-31, John 15.26-27 Pentecost 1C, Theme: The Advocate This next Sunday is traditionally called “Trinity Sunday.” The Holy...
Acts 2:1-21 Pentecost C, June 5, 2022 Theme: Church’s Birthday This Sunday is my favorite of the church liturgical year after Easter. ...
John 17.20-26 Easter 6C, May 29, 2022 Theme: Unity This Sunday is the day before Memorial Day in the United States. During our worship...
John 5.1-9 Easter 6C Theme: Healing Today, we read of Jesus visiting the pool of Beth-zatha which is near the Sheep Gate. Today, the...
Psalm 148 Easter 5C, May 15, 2022 Theme: Praise The first breath of sunrise! This morning, I stepped out of my house as the sun rose...
The Servant King: A Triumphal Entry, Luke 19.28-40, April 10, 2022, Palm Sunday Theme: Servant-Leader It must have been a beautiful...