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Whatever You Need, July 24, 2022

Writer: lemwhitmerlemwhitmer

Luke 11:1-13, Pentecost 7C

Theme: Prayer

In the passage in the gospels, we find a real gem. I mean Luke 11: 1-13 is almost magic.

The passage reveals to us a life changing gift from God. It reveals a way we can communicate with the all-powerful, all knowing and always present God.

In religious circles this method of communication is called ‘prayer.’ Because of this very valuable passage of scripture, we who believe in אני (YHWH) know how and when to pray. YHWH (pronounced ‘Yahweh’) is the name of God found in the Bible.

Anyway, the passage begins telling of Jesus’ followers finding him praying. They ask him to tell them how to pray.

Jesus gives them an example. The example is now called ‘The Lord’s Prayer.’ Well actually tradition has caused a couple of sentences to be added. How that happened is another story altogether. Here is what the Gospel records of what Jesus said.

“Father, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come. Give us each day our daily bread. And forgive us our sins, for we ourselves forgive everyone indebted to us. And do not bring us to the time of trial.” (Luke 11:2-4)

Not exactly what we say every Sunday in our worship service is it. But without getting into how almost 2000 years of tradition have influenced the words, the gist of what Jesus says is there.

There is more to say about prayer. Worship with us in person at 10:30 AM as we will be meditating on as we meditate on how God listens to us. The service will also be streamed live on the internet -- ( or on the church’s home Facebook page. If you miss the live stream, a recorded session is also available to view at your convenience. Want to make a comment on my blog? Click on



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