Luke 10:38- 42, Pentecost 6C
Theme: Learning
Seems like there is always something which must be done. If you are a student there is homework. If you have a job there is always something you need to do. If you are a farmer there is always a fence to be mended or a barn door which needs painted.
When Jesus visited Lazareth, and his sisters Mary and Martha, the house needed straightened, the beds made and meals to prepare. The scriptures tell of a time like that. It had to have been a busy time.
While Martha was scurrying around, Mary sat and talked with Jesus. Of course, Martha noticed Mary just sitting. There was so much to do! So much which needed done.
Making sure Jesus had something to eat was important. Making sure his room was ready was important. Making sure…. Martha wanted everything perfect! It was her … AND MARY’S responsibility to have everything perfect.
But Mary wasn’t pulling her weight.
What was Mary doing?
Well, she was taking the opportunity to learn from the Teacher.
This text from Luke says so much.
1. It speaks to the role of women in Jesus’ time. I’m sure most people have heard the saying, “A woman’s place is in the kitchen.” This passage has something to say about that.
2. It speaks to the need to take time to listen to Jesus. This is addressed to all people – men and women. In our too busy existence, we need to move away from our daily routine and spend some time with Jesus.
We think there is always going to be time to talk to those we love. There will always be time to talk to Jesus. I mean, Jesus is there all the time – right?
Well, yah, Jesus is always there – but are you? Or are you too busy?
Worship with us in person at 10:30 AM as we will be meditating on as we meditate on how we can make more time for Jesus and others who are important to us. The service will also be streamed live on the internet -- (https://fccmaryvillemo.com) or on the church’s home Facebook page. If you miss the live stream, a recorded session is also available to view at your convenience. Want to make a comment on my blog? Click on https://fccmaryvillemosanc.wixsite.com/ftdo