Acts 2:1-21
Pentecost C, June 5, 2022
Theme: Church’s Birthday
This Sunday is my favorite of the church liturgical year after Easter. To me, it supersedes Christmas mainly because December 25th is not a Biblically verifiable date. This is not to say the Bible does not record the birth of Jesus, but no specific date is mentioned.
Pentecost is the fiftieth day after Easter. The story found in Acts marks the beginning of Christ’s Church. It tells of a designated group of Jesus’ followers who began gathering daily in an upper room in Jerusalem ten days after he ascended into Heaven. You might say it was the first prayer group.
There on the tenth day while they we praying, the Holy Spirit appeared as flames on the shoulders of those who were present. The story tells of the Spirit filling them, so they were moved to go out into the street and begin to preach. An interesting thing happened. They must have made quite a scene because Pilgrims from all over that region of the world gathered around to see what was happening. Individuals from many foreign countries heard the message they were proclaiming in their own language.
Peter got up and preached what was the first sermon recorded. It contained a brief but earthshattering message. That message would go on to spread all over the world. That message transformed humanity.
When a fire is sparked in a forest or in the plains it usually starts as lightning. Lightning strikes a tree or grassy ground and gradually fire spreads. If there is wind, it spreads even more quickly.
It is interesting the author of Acts speaks of the Holy Spirit appearing as flames on Jesus’ followers. The scripture tells of 3000 people committing to follow the WAY. Within a week, it was 8000. This could have been a third of the population of Jerusalem in just one week. What a miraculous event!
But that is just the beginning!
Worship with us in person at 10:30 AM as we will be meditating on our praise as we receive praise from God. The service will also be streamed live on the internet -- (https://fccmaryville.com) or on the church’s home Facebook page. If you miss the live stream, a recorded session is also available to view at your convenience.