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I will not Keep Silent, June 26, 2022

Writer: lemwhitmerlemwhitmer

Isaiah 65.1-9, Pentecost 3C

Theme: Determination

When I chose the theme for my sermon this morning, I did not realize it would follow the Supreme Court ruling on Roe Vs. Wade. Since the ruling was publicized, I have observed a great deal of posturing. There have been heated and vehement speeches made taking different sides on the issue. I fear the politicizing of the abortion issue will continue way passed the elections this Fall.

I might point out that the abortion debate has been around for centuries. During that time there has been no resolution to what seems to be a dilemma concerning human morals. I doubt seriously if the present controversy will end any better than the last several.

While I definitely have my opinions on these issues, as your pastor, I must remain in a position where I can be approachable by all. My sermon today is on how we as a Christian Community can take a stand for Jesus and his teachings.

In the midst of controversy, we as Christians must represent not a passive role but an active role in reaching out to all people with love and compassion. These acts are not to counter another person’s beliefs, but to affirm our own.

When we do these things, we often will not fit in.

At the beginning of the Reformation, we find Martin Luther standing before his Emperor. There, next to him we a collection of all his writings. He had spent most of his life up to that point dedicated to studious research into the scriptures. It was all there in his publications. Most of what he wrote seriously challenged the authority of the Church. The emperor was asking him to recant what he had accomplished. He said one sentence in answer. Words which changed history forever. He said as he stood next to his writings, “Here I stand, I can do no other.”

He didn’t fit in.

There are times when we must not relent. We must stand our ground. To do otherwise would be to deny our reason for being who we are.

Isaiah found himself in such a position. The beliefs and practices in his country had disintegrated into lawlessness and corruption. It was to the point where he had become uncomfortable preaching the values of God. That was who he was – all of who he was. To not preach God’s law and lifestyle would be to deny the reason for his existence.

Well, in those days, not fitting in could get you killed.

Today, we supposedly live in a country where we are free to speak and believe what we want. Well, within reason (whatever THAT means). But others can really make us uncomfortable if they don’t like what we are saying.

Thing is, Jesus calls us to stand up for what we believe.

So, what do we believe? What do we believe which is soooo important that we must standup for it – no matter what?

I believe that Jesus died on the cross for my sins. I take him as my personal Savior.

Here I stand. I can do no other.

Worship with us in person at 10:30 AM as we will be meditating on as we learn to stand up for what you believe. The service will also be streamed live on the internet -- ( or on the church’s home Facebook page. If you miss the live stream, a recorded session is also available to view at your convenience. Want to make a comment on my blog? Click on



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