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The Sphinx’s Nose, Nov 13, 2022

Writer: lemwhitmerlemwhitmer

Luke 21:5-19, Pentecost 23C

Theme: God’s Temple

As a child, I, along with my parents and family visited the Pyramids and the Sphinx in Egypt. Even though I was just 8 years old, it was one of those memorable experiences. I remember climbing up the side of one of the pyramids to an opening into a tunnel. This tunnel led, according to the guide, to a chamber deep inside. We were told that the empty chamber had once held a famous king. I later learned it was the tomb of Pharaoh Khufu. I remember the guide talking about how in that day they believed a person who died awoke in a different life. They buried the Pharoahs favorite things including pets and sometimes their wives. To the 8-year-old mind I found this all very shocking. Of course, most of us today would find the practice not only shocking but abhorring.

Another event I remember from that excursion was walking up to the Sphinx. I had seen pictures, but those did not do justice to its scale. Even next to the mighty pyramids it was comparable in size. Not as high, but to scale.

I later learned the sphinx is over 4500 years old. And it is still sanding! Amazing!

But if you look at a picture of the enormous statue, you will notice it has a broken nose. No one seems to know how that happened. Some theorized that it was damaged during the Napoleonic Wars, but there were no battles in the area of the Pyramids. Also, there are mentions in various documents of the broken nose as long ago as the 1300’s.

Back to this later.

The scripture tells of Jesus and his followers being in awe of the Temple grounds and the magnificent buildings. They were magnificent judging from the ruins which remain even to today.

But Jesus said something quite shocking to his friends. He said, “As for these things that you see, the days will come when not one stone will be left upon another; all will be thrown down.”

Nothing on this earth lasts forever. Even if it is built out of solid stones as big as a pickup truck.

Jesus went on to say to his friends: “You will be hated by all because of my name. But not a hair of your head will perish. By your endurance you will gain your souls.”

Jesus promises his followers that they will not perish – unlike the Sphinx’s nose.

Worship with us in person at 10:30 AM as we will be meditating on the life God promises us. The service will also be streamed live on the internet -- ( or on the church’s home Facebook page. If you missed the live stream, a recorded session is also available to view at your convenience. Want to make a comment on my blog? Click on



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