Matthew 24:36-44, Advent 1A
Theme: Hope
You might be shocked to find out that I was not aways a mild-mannered person. When I was young, I could be at times rather rambunctious. There would be times when my mother would, in exasperation, say, “Just wait till your father gets home.” I could always tell when she was really upset about something I said. At times like that it wasn’t, “Your dad.” It was, “Your father.” She almost always used formal language in those circumstances.
You must know that when my father came home and heard the kind of news my mother would share, he was not amused. As a result, I can tell you I wasn’t either. In fact, the time I spent waiting for dad to come home at those times were not without a great deal of apprehension. I would often try to get busy doing something to get my mind off the subject. On occasion, that “something” was to get into even more trouble.
When I read this particular text, usually the memories of waiting for my dad when I had not been the “perfect” child would come to mind.
What do we do with these sayings of Jesus? How are we supposed to take these words. Are we supposed to look to the day of judgement as a day bad things are going to happen? These words seem so counter to the actions of Jesus as he showed compassion for the sick and disabled. Was this the same Jesus who wept for his friend Lazarus?
It has taken many years, but I have finally found a better and more profound way to think about the words Jesus uses in this text. I have found that times of judgement come and go, but there is a love which seems to transcend the dread and guilt. I now realize that even when my dad was disappointed in my behavior he never stopped loving me. I found that I was a pretty lucky kid to have a father like that. Not all my friends did. I know that to be true. Even though I didn’t feel it at the time, I now know how special my father was. And now, I wish he would come home, even if it was to scold me for being ornery.
I have come to realize the time when the judgement is to comes is not a time we need to dread. But instead, the time when Jesus comes again is a time we need to look forward to with hope. It is a time when all will come to be known.
I have come to realize everyone of us is on the way to the end of our lives. When that time comes (a time we cannot predict), we will be facing our end in this dimension. Whatever form we take will not be something we can understand except that the time will come.
I have come to realize that whether there is some kind of apocalyptic event or if that apocalypse is when we die it will come. Just like the weather we cannot change what is coming for us.
Me? I’m looking forward to meeting my Father. That is my real hope.
Worship with us in person at 10:30 AM as we will be giving thanks to a generous and gracious God. The service will also be streamed live on the internet -- (https://fccmaryvillemo.com) or on the church’s home Facebook page. If you missed the live stream, a recorded session is also available to view at your convenience. Want to make a comment on my blog? Click on https://fccmaryvillemosanc.wixsite.com/ftdo.